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    Posts Tagged ‘wedding anniversary’

    Top 10 Reasons To Choose Garnet Rings

    Dark red, glossy and enigmatic, can you refuse a garnet gemstone?

    Garnet has been around since the Bronze Age and is found across the world from India to America to Africa. A tough gemstone, garnet is used to make rings, necklaces, earrings and much more.

    At Rings.org.uk, we think garnet rings are second only to ruby rings for the ultimate Valentines gift or even a Valentines engagement ring for the one you love. Find out more about garnet rings in our top 10 reasons to choose garnet rings below. (more…)

    Top 10 Reasons To Choose Sapphire Rings

    Blue is the colour of the sky and the ocean, the passionate freedom and independence coupled with the solid foundation of love, trust and desire. Wearing a blue ring, whether a topaz ring, an aquamarine ring or a sapphire ring will make you feel amazing, regardless of whether you bought the ring for yourself or have been given a ring as an engagement ring, eternity ring or anniversary ring.

    At Rings.org.uk, we adore sapphire rings and want to share our top 10 reasons why we say everyone needs a sensuous sapphire ring on their finger.

    Top 10 reasons to wear sapphire rings:

    # 1 – A Royal gemstone, sapphire engagement rings and sapphire rings have been favoured by the British Royal family for several generations. When Prince William proposed to his long term girlfriend Kate Middleton, he chose to present her with the stunning sapphire and diamond engagement ring worn by his mother Princess Diana. (more…)

    Would You Upgrade Your Engagement Ring?

    Choosing your own engagement ring is a fairly modern concept. In the past, choosing the engagement ring has been down to the man who’s proposing, perhaps with a little help from his friends. Maybe his family has a custom to hand down jewellery and you received a ‘second hand’ engagement ring from his great grandmother.

    Even if you chose your own engagement ring, there may come a time when the large diamond ring is impractical for work or performing simple tasks around the house. That’s when asking oh so sweetly for rings can give you the chance to choose a more suitable engagement ring. (more…)

    Top 10 Reasons To Choose Turquoise Rings

    Turquoise Ring

    # 1 – The first reason to choose a turquoise ring is simple. Your vibrant, eye catching, bright blue turquoise rings will brighten your day each time you wear them. They will invoke precious feelings of happiness, prosperity and success.

    # 2 – Glamorous turquoise rings are said to help at work and at home with your communication. Turquoise rings are said to aid regeneration and renew your strength. (more…)

    Rings For Scorpios And November Born

    Beautiful and mysterious, the mesmerising, captivating shades of topaz belong to the Scorpio star sign. A topaz necklace, topaz earrings and a Topaz Ring make elegant gifts for your Scorpio friend and those born in November.

    Topaz is also the gemstone for celebrating 4th, 19th and 23rd wedding anniversaries. Topaz is found in the popular Sky Blue, Swiss Blue and London Blue colourings as well as shades of yellow. (more…)