Home » All Brands » Zandra Rhodes Oriental Sterling Silver Diamond Ring
Zandra Rhodes Oriental Sterling Silver Diamond Ring

Zandra Rhodes Designer Hallmarked Sterling Silver 'Oriental Whisper' RingThe inspiration for the Oriental Whisper Collection was the eternal 'wiggle' line that is featured in nearly every one of Zandra's fabulous textile designs.The ring is hallmarked 925 solid sterling silver withthe Zandra Rhodes Assay stamp form the Sheffield Assay Office.It weighs 2g andis 0.6cm wide.

The ring is set with 4 0.015ct diamonds randomly in some of the curves of the wiggle.

The ring hasa lovely three dimentional sculpted quality - very unusual!Your ringis beautifully presentedin a black velvetpouch which sits ina stunning Zandra Rhodes box!A Diamond is: The Birthstone for the month of April Zodiac stone for Aries , 21st March - 20th April Given as the 10th, 60th and 75th wedding anniversary stone


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